GP Speciality Trainees
Londonwide LMCs is the overarching organisation representing general practice in 27 boroughs across London. This includes GP trainees across the VTS programmes located in these areas. We welcome trainee representatives from each VTS on our borough Local Medical Committees to learn about the healthcare landscape and contribute their voice to discussions regarding general practice. For more information about this role and getting involved in your LMC please read our GP trainee guide to LMCs. We support learning and development in this role through a network of GP trainee representatives across London who communicate through email and informal virtual meet up sessions. LMC members and staff also present on areas such as GP contracts and the NHS landscape at VTS schemes. If you are interested in getting involved in your LMC or have any further queries please email [email protected].
Early career GPs
Transitioning from a GP Trainee to a newly qualified GP can be a daunting but also exciting experience. There are a variety of opportunities to complement traditional sessions in general practice and many GPs try out a number of roles to help gain understanding of what they enjoy doing before committing to longer term roles. This may include taking up a Fellowship as part of the General Practice Fellowship Programme, working in an out of hours provider, clinical lead roles within ICSs or medical education roles. Training hubs are set up in each ICS area to help highlight opportunities for the GP workforce, as well as some wellbeing offers.
LMCs are not trade unions and we are unable to review individual contracts or deal with employment issues within practices. However, we encourage doctors to review the following resources available from the BMA around contracts and employment, and BMA members are also able to access a contract checking service.
The Sessional GP Committee of the BMA is the national representative body of sessional GPs. This committee works with LMCs across the country and there is representation on this committee from London to help understand the issues affecting GPs locally that need resolution at a national level, such as issues with pensions or employment contracts.
Londonwide LMCs runs a Professional Support Network for all GPs in London, providing a matching service to help link GPs with the most appropriate form of support if they feel they need it such as GP support services, peer to peer professional advice and coaching. Many of these services are free for GPs in London practices, but some are paid for and this is clear on the website when registering.
Next Generation GP
Next Generation GP is a national leadership programme supporting GP trainees and newly qualified GPs to nurture and develop qualities to become future leaders in Primary Care. Londonwide LMCs is proud to support the London Region Programme by hosting their virtual events, showcasing inspiring system leaders and enabling networking of GPs who are interested in health policy and the NHS landscape.
For further information about the programme, please visit the Next Generation GP website. Applications for the programme are usually done on an annual basis.