PCN Manager

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The PCN Manager is a lead role within a complex environment of primary care management.
They will deliver on a wide range of business, data submission, transformation and improvement initiatives across the primary care locality providing strategic transformation support and leadership.

The PCN Manager will be instrumental in this organisation progressing its PCN development plan.
This role will work with member practices to break down challenges to implementation across our population.

The PCN Manager will develop strong relationships and engage with a wide range of stakeholders across the locality to ensure collaborative approaches to service
development and delivery.
In doing so they will improve integration with the broader community services as our network matures.

The PCN Manager will be responsible for managing agreed projects with a focus upon developing the partnerships across primary care, community services, social care, mental health, the voluntary sector and secondary care that are enabling ongoing MDT development.

The PCN Manager will be responsible for disseminating new information across the member practices and tasked with coordinating shared learning events.
They will actively support integrated neighbourhood ways of working while promoting standardisation for efficiency purposes.

This role will be outward looking to help to secure the PCN’s resilience by actively seeking development opportunities and by coordinating proposals.
The PCN Manager will be essential to recruiting and integrating new roles into our

primary care teams and acting as line management for these new staff.