
Lambeth LMC newsletter – August 2022

Dear colleagues, The summer months are slightly quieter in terms of meetings we need to attend, and we have taken advantage of this to have informal, developmental meetings. We have been looking at the way we work as a committee and how this might be improved. In our August meeting we spent some time on […]

Lambeth LMC newsletter – June 2022

Dear colleagues, In our June meeting, Lambeth LMC focused on issues raised by practice managers. Sandra Connolly and Sarah Cross, our practice manager representatives, are trying to coordinate a revival of the Practice Manager Forum. They reported that there is a feeling of being communicated ‘at’ rather than ‘with’ among practice managers. Particular areas of […]

Lambeth LMC newsletter – May 2022

Dear colleagues, The principal discussions in our April LMC meeting were about our local contracts. These comprise mainly the premium part of our PMS contracts and the Lambeth Primary Care Incentive scheme (LPCIS, which includes the GP Delivery Framework as it was called, and the medicines optimisation scheme). Revisions had been proposed due to changes […]

Lambeth LMC newsletter – February 2022

Dear Colleague, We have become accustomed to frequent and varying advice to GPs, but the last-minute decision to reconsider Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment (VCOD) must be the nearest to a handbrake turn! In our meeting, we discussed how practices have spent time on this, it has affected relationships, some have lost staff, others […]