Department of Work and Pensions appeals

  • Template letters

This guidance will help to explain why the GP is not the correct place to get support with DWP appeals.

Appeals against Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) decisions, including PIP (Personal Independent Payments), are becoming more common. This work falls outside GP contracted work. It can be very time consuming and patients often book appointments to discuss this. This guidance will help you to explain that their GP is not the correct place to get support with  DWP appeals. 

Why have a ‘DWP appeals’ policy? 

Patients appealing against DWP decisions are asked to respond stating what evidence in the original decision they disagree with. They are also advised to provide medical evidence to support their comments. This work falls outside GP contracted work. 

Given the need to  manage demand for patient appointments practices need a clear policy on how they process these requests and this policy needs to be publicised to patients. 

A generic policy is and example letter are attached, a poster to advertise this policy to patients is also available.

Note: if you choose to share a copy of this letter with Londonwide LMCs please remove any patient identifiable information before sending it to us. Sharing patient identifiable information with the LMC is a breach of data protection legislation.