Redbridge LMC Newsletter – August 2023

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleagues,

Here are the news points arising from the most recent Redbridge LMC meeting and associated work.

Secondary-primary clinical forums

The LMC, with partners, is setting up direct liaison between doctors in primary and secondary care on clinical matters. A forum is being established for doctors from parts of Redbridge general practice, Waltham Forest general practice and Whipps Cross Hospital (Barts Health). There are also talks at an earlier stage with BHRUT. Issues are being collated for discussion – Redbridge LMC members have so far nominated issues with Rego pathways and with diagnostics and labs. Please contact us (via to raise issues for the forums.

Borough Partnership representation

Redbridge LMC is the first in NE London to secure specific representation on its ICB Borough Partnership. This should strengthen the general practice influence in that key decision-making body, and provide an independent voice for all of our GP constituents in the borough.

Funding allocation

The LMC discussed the allocation across the borough of ‘hyperlocal’ funding. Some funding pots are distributed on a per-PCN basis but the LMC overall felt that allocation based on patient numbers and other need factors like disease prevalence would be more equitable. The LMC has therefore written to the Chair of the Borough Partnership to advocate needs-based funding.

Support for PCN work

The LMC heard that PCNs were finding it challenging to prepare access plans and make use of patient feedback data. Our support staff at Londonwide LMCs can provide assistance to practices and PCNs. The NE London team can be reached via and the GP Support team on

Asylum seekers – backdated payments

The Asylum Seekers LIS has been updated based on comments received from the LMC and other stakeholders. Practices that have taken on asylum seekers are asked to give their numbers to the ICB as some payments can be backdated.

Meeting targets

The LMC spoke for the first time formally to Richard Pontin, the interim Chief Executive of HealthBridge Direct. In a discussion of enhanced access, he noted that some procedures (such as urine tests by a nurse) can be booked through Enhanced Access and contribute to slot utilisation targets there as well as to QOF.

Speaking up for general practice

Discussions are ongoing between the LMC and partners about a range of other issues including LISs such as Access and AF, GP succession planning and support for vulnerable practices, and resilience funding for next winter.

If you have issues to suggest that the LMC should work on, please contact us via

Yours faithfully,

Dr Najib Seedat
Redbridge LMC