Rebuild GP campaign resumes

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Rebuild General Practice resume this month with a data-driven story in the media during the week of 25 September and a workshop for LMC members.

The relaunch of the campaign will be focused on its core message: the only way to keep patients safe and protect the NHS is to rebuild general practice. 

Rebuild GP is seeking to counter the narrative that GPs are too often pitted against their patients and wider NHS colleagues. They aim to achieve this by gathering perspectives from GPs, patients and other healthcare professionals. They want LMCs to share a short survey with constituent GPs and to join an LMC Toolkit drop-in session on 26 September

Previous successes included getting the then Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee, Jeremy Hunt, to back calls to prioritise continuity of care. They also secured a Daily Express front page on how thousands of stressed GPs say their patients are being failed as an “unsustainable” workload leaves medics at breaking point. 

You can follow the campaign on Twitter.