Possible scheduled power cuts

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As part of the Government’s plan to manage energy shortages this winter there may be scheduled power cuts at times of high energy demand and low supply. 

The Government’ guidance for businesses can be found here. In the event that scheduled power cuts do take place people will be able to find out when they are happening in their area by putting their postcode into this website. 

People Management magazine has HR advice for employers, included: 

  • Indication that blackouts are likely to be between 4pm and 7pm- encouraging people to plan work around this; 
  • Reminding people to keep re-chargeable devices fully charged; 
  • Undertaking people based rather than technology based activities during such times. 

The Energy Networks Association’s advice includes a reminder for people with disabilities who are reliant on powered devices for their health to register this with local commissioners. Ofgem has details on who can join the Priority Services Register and how to do it. This information may be of use to patients.