PCN DES opt-out window open until 31 October 2022

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At the end of September NHS England published a letter outlining support for practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs). These in-year changes include changes to the ARRS (including changes to reimbursement rates to reflect the Agenda for Change pay award and the introduction of ‘GP Assistants’ and ‘PCN Digital Leads’), removal/postponement of some IIF indicators, and a new PCN ‘capacity and access support payment’, funded from the reduced IIF indicators.

As these changes have been introduced by NHS England in-year, an opt-out window for the PCN DES has been triggered. Within this opt-out window, practices can choose to opt-out of the DES without risking a breach of contract. BMA advice is to read this guidance and consult with your staff and fellow PCN members as to whether to utilise the window to leave your PCN by the 31 October deadline. The next op-out window is not expected before April 2023.

The following PCN DES documents were recently updated: