Parliamentary engagement update – July 2023

  • Latest news

We continue to help London GPs and LMCs meet with their MPs and advisors to discuss the challenges facing general practice

We continue to help London GPs and LMCs meet with their MPs and advisors to discuss the challenges facing general practice in the Capital, as part of our ongoing commitment to Value, Care and Protect London general practice.

Using data from our workforce survey analysis of the retention challenge, and insight from our expert teams we continue to set out and explain the challenges and demands faced by GPs and their practice teams as well as the immense effort all team members are putting in.

In meetings with key opinion-formers we reference empirical data on patient numbers per practitioner and other issues, regularly updated by NHS Digital, and research-based academic and think tank publications on areas of concern, such as interface challenges, alongside our own analysis of policy developments, most recently the Government’s workforce plan, to guide Parliamentarians through the challenges faced by GPs and their teams day in and day out.

Recent meetings with political stakeholders have focused on GP retention and working patterns, patient safety, access and demand, interface issues with other providers, cost of living, ARRS support and supervision, GP training and development, and poorly commissioned community services. Following these meetings, MPs and advisers have taken issues forward on behalf of London practices through letters to ICB CEOs, written and oral advocacy in Parliament, and the offer of policy consideration around key areas such as retention, core general practice financial pressures, and system operational failings.

Our political stakeholder engagement will continue over the coming months. Many thanks for sharing your insights and experiences with us via our June workforce survey. We will be sharing the findings soon, as well as reinforcing the messages of the GPDF supported Rebuild GP campaign, and the BMA’s Call to Action for General Practice.

You can keep up to date with our work supporting GPs in London with media engagement, new resources and guidance updates by following Londonwide LMCs on social media and in the news section of our website.

If your practice would like to help by showing an MP the work you are doing and the challenges you face, please get in touch.