Mword Issue 79 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

  • Mword
Mword Heading - Issue 79
22 December 2020

Dear Colleague

With just three days left until this Christmas weekend, and, hopefully, some kind of break for some if not all of us, I have a few things to share:

  1. Latest Covid-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP) updates.
  2. New ICS legislation.
  3. Thank you.

1. Latest Covid-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP) updates.

We will continue to update our interactive Covid-19 Vaccination Guide and microsite (or just type into your browser) as new information is made available, and we will continue to escalate queries from practices at a local and national level. Please get in touch here at [email protected] if there are issues you would like us to raise which are not already covered and remember to use the Beam to LMC app to highlight the pressures you are under. Updates include:

  • The national protocol has been released to give another legal mechanism, in addition to PGDs and PSDs, to administer the vaccine. The main advance is that it enables different people to undertake different parts of the vaccination process.
  • Version 2 of the Covid-19 local vaccination services deployment in community settings was published on 18 December. This enables the use of the 6th dose from each vial if there is the full 0.3ml volume and the operating model to deliver the Pfizer vaccine in care homes.
  • The updated shielding guidance for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable includes information for tier 4. In tier 4 areas clinically extremely vulnerable people should not go to work even if they are unable to work from home or if in education to school.

Our Londonwide LMCs Living Guide continues to provide invaluable information to help you navigate regulatory changes and guidance around the huge range of matters including contractual requirements, workload prioritisation, and practice finance during the current pandemic. I encourage you to continue to use it.

2. New ICS legislation.

The recent NHS England consultation on new legislative proposals sets out plans to place ICS (Integrated Care Systems) on a statutory footing and advance the longstanding aim of integrating health and care. The consultation closes on 8 January 2021. With thanks to those of you who shared your thoughts, we have responded as Londonwide LMCs and you can see our comments here, should you wish to send in comments as either an individual, or practice team. Please feel free to share your own submissions with us.

3. In case nobody else does, I want to say THANK YOU.

AND FINALLY, it’s all too easy to bounce from crisis to crisis, running on adrenaline, panic or fear. But it’s essential, for the sake of our patients, our colleagues and ourselves, that we take time to reflect on just how much we have achieved in this year of adversity, and to give thanks for the dedication and resilience of general practice professionals across the capital throughout 2020.


Thank you … for all you do for your patients and communities.

Thank you … for moving rapidly to virtual consultation and continuing care in the face of a pandemic.

Thank you … for giving up holidays and weekends and bank holidays throughout 2020.

Thank you … for marshalling your forces and being prepared to deliver vaccines whenever, wherever and however you can.

Thank you … for doing what you do.

Whether you find yourself in a vaccination centre, a practice, working out of hours in a call centre or at home (on call or not) I wish you all peace and good will whenever and wherever you can find it.

The Londonwide staff will be taking a much-needed break over the coming days, but should you need us, we are still here at [email protected].

As ever I welcome your feedback at [email protected], and as always, know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs are by your side.

Keep well. Stay safe.

With best wishes

Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP
CEO, Londonwide LMCs


Last updated : 04 Jan 2021