Mword Issue 77 – STOP PRESS: Further update following this morning’s Mword

  • Mword
Mword Heading - Issue 77
4 December 2020

Dear Colleague

STOP PRESS: Further update following this morning’s Mword.

As promised, we’ve analysed the ES papers, considering the contractual details and ramifications, in good time for you to consider over the weekend and with your practice team through Monday.

Here it is, our guidance for practices on the Covid Vaccination Programme 2020/21 Service Spec. This document takes you through the Service Spec, section by section, providing additional information to help you make your practice decision.

In summary, therefore:

  • You have until 23.59, 7 December (Monday) to make an informed decision as to whether to sign this contract and agree to be bound by its terms.
  • Once signed, this contract becomes an extension of your core GMS contract (as with all national ESs).
  • Once signed, you cannot exit the contract without giving 42 days’ notice.
  • Practices must consider signing this Enhanced Service on an individual basis. However, it must be delivered within a group of participating practices who together sign a Covid-19 Collaboration Agreement, which describes the way in which practices will work together to deliver services either at the Designated Site, or at care and residential homes.
  • With joint agreement, this service might be partially or wholly subcontracted.
  • The specification of this Enhanced Service cannot be altered locally, although it can be varied by NHSEI nationally. This may affect wastage, notice periods and payments to practices.
  • Various accompanying documents remain unpublished or yet to be determined.
  • CCGs can provide additional discretionary support.
  • The Enhanced Service specification can be modified over time, and this is likely to relate to changes in vaccine characteristics and supplies, and manufacturers’ data.

Practices should decide whether or not to sign this Enhanced Service on the basis that this represents a commitment of practice capacity to deliver the Enhanced Service specification requirements; there is no requirement to sign and all practices’ patients will be eligible to receive Covid-19 vaccine via the national programme, regardless of the individual practice decision. Colleagues should not feel coerced either way.

Remember, you do have up until Monday 23.59 hours to do this.

I wish to thank Vicky Ferlia, our Director of GP Support services, for her amazing work in producing this guidance during such a pressurised and critical time. Our analysis reflects many points included in the guidance published by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire LMCs and Surrey and Sussex LMCs and we would like to acknowledge their contribution to this guidance.

You can also view this guidance on our dedicated Covid-19 website (or type into your browser) which provides guidance on all considerations around the Covid-19 Vaccinations Enhanced Service.

As ever I welcome your feedback at [email protected], and as always, know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs are by your side.

Keep well. Stay safe.

With best wishes

Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP
CEO, Londonwide LMCs


Last updated : 10 Dec 2020