Mword Issue 48 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams on the covid-19 remote assessment of patients flow chart

  • Mword
Mword Heading - Issue 47
23 March 2020

Dear Colleague

Covid-19 remote assessment of patients flow chart

This flow chart from Barnet CCG is to enable safe assessment of patients remotely during the covid-19 pandemic. Practices and PCNs should prevent unnecessary face-to-face contact, which is a risk to both patients and clinicians.

Please note, the flowchart is being constantly reviewed.

Practices in other areas of London may also wish to share the flow chart with their CCG to help them adopt a similar approach.

In performing the more advanced assessment you may wish to note that:

  • Pulse – significant numbers of our patients have smart phones with heart rate monitors built in and they should be encouraged to use these.
  • O2 saturation – We are exploring with smart phone companies to see if it is possible to utilise phones to measure O2 saturation.

We’re awaiting further advice on whether there is a need to empirically prescribe antibiotics in patients who are unwell with presumed covid-19 infection and will update you as soon as the guidance becomes clear.

Please keep a watch out for further bulletins and check in to our website daily for more covid-19 guidance:

As ever I welcome your feedback at [email protected], and know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs will always be by your side.

With best wishes

Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP

CEO, Londonwide LMCs


Last updated : 24 Mar 2020