Dear Colleague,
If not now, when?
Saturday’s Special Conference of LMCs effectively declared a #GPstateofemergency. The #(Hashtag) in front of the words without spaces between them is Twitterspeak. But it’s those words that count. GP State Of Emergency . At long last the message has been broadcast nationally, loud and clear that patients risk losing their GPs – even the CQC Approved Outstanding ones – unless the pressures on us are dramatically and appropriately eased. Whether you are a partner, a salaried GP or a freelance locum; whether you are a nurse, a manager, a member of the team, or a patient, the message from #LMCconf is clear: general practice is on its knees and we won’t take any more – now is the time for action not words. And so there are things to tell and things to be done:
- Special LMCs’ Conference – what it means, and what you should consider doing now
- Junior Doctors – Industrial Action on 10 February: what practices can do
- Our own Londonwide LMCs’ Conference 2016 – We can work it out: powering up London’s primary care workforce
As ever – please do let me have any views on these issues or others at [email protected].
Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP
Chief Executive
Londonwide LMCs
- Special LMCs’ Conference – what it means, and what you should consider doing now
The key vote passed was this:
That conference instructs GPC that should negotiations with government for a rescue package for general practice not be concluded successfully within 6 months of the end of this conference:
(i) actions that GPs can undertake without breaching their contracts must be identified to the profession
(ii) a ballot of GPs should be considered regarding what work/ services must cease to reduce the workload to ensure safe and sustainable care for patients
(iii) the GPC should canvass GPs on their willingness to submit undated resignationsWhat it means is that the GPC leaders will need to come back to the next LMC Conference in just over 3 months’ time to update us on what has been achieved between now and then, in May. In the meantime the GPC leaders will already be identifying the actions that you can take under (i), and be (ii) and (iii) to underpin their position. You can read more about the special conference here.
You are part of this strategy and you can engage with it by following closely our resilience guidance and by doing the following three things:
- First is the same advice we’ve issued to help you protect your own contract from MPIG cuts or PMS reviews. Draw up a list of activities that are not covered by your core contract, and decide whether the effort and cost to you as a locum or as a practice of doing those activities is effective, compared with not doing them. Activities like attending meetings which don’t positively reduce your stress levels to name but one.
- Secondly, harness the power of your patients – patients are your greatest allies and a vital asset in making the case for general practice more widely. Start by engaging your PPG members in the issues of cuts to your funding to help them understand that you need their help in order to help them. Also, if you have an active PPG or a good example of patient working in your area and would like to share it please contact [email protected] and help us with this work.
- Thirdly, use the BMA’s Urgent Prescription For General Practice campaign materials which can be accessed via our GP Resilience website.
- Junior Doctors – Industrial Action on 10 February: what practices can do
On Wednesday 10 February junior doctors will be taking a further day of industrial action. The juniors were present in force on Saturday to show their support for GPs. Advice for practices with junior doctors based in their practice can be seen here.
If you haven’t seen it, take a look here, reflect, and add it to your pdp; And if you’re a nurse, a practice manager or other staff member, substitute the letters GP with your own role!
- Our own Londonwide LMCs’ Conference 2016 – We can work it out: powering up London’s primary care workforce And now for something completely positive! Our Londonwide Annual Conference 2016 is being held at (though it chokes me to say it), Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium. It’s free, we’ll feed you, and it will be fun – take a look at the programme. It’s all about our city and will get underneath and hopefully on top of many of the issues we all face daily and help you to tackle them make a difference. Dr Phil Hammond is compering the day. Lord Victor Adebowale is covering The Wider Determinants of Health, and I’ll be there with my entourage, obviously. This is open to all GPs, Practice Managers and Nurses in the Londonwide family. Make a day of it, bring a friend, and above all wear your lilywhite and blue proudly!