Met Police request for firearms markers on records

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The Met will be sending a standard letter to nominated GPs identified on firearms applications requesting a marker is added to patient records.

The body of the standard letter from the Met’s firearms licensing manager, seen by Londonwide LMCs, reads as follows:

“An application for the grant of a firearm/shotgun certificate or registration as a Firearms Dealer for your patient, named above, has been reviewed and this letter is confirmation that the application has been granted.

“I would therefore ask you to please ensure that a firearm marker code has been applied to your patient’s record, and that you do not apply an end date.

“If, at any time during the term of the certificate or at a future renewal, the certificate is revoked, cancelled or refused on renewal, we will write to you at that time and ask you to remove any firearm code that you may have applied to the patient record.

If you would like any further information about this or any other aspect of our business, please email our department, as above.”