Media comment: Health and Social Care Levy repeal shows Ministers lack commitment to supporting NHS funding

Comment on repeal of the Health and Social Care Levy that was passed by the House of Commons on 11 October.

“With waiting lists lengthening across the country in GP practices and hospitals alike, now is not the time to remove £13bn per year from health and social care spending. Yet less than a year after introducing the Health and Social Care Levy, with commissioners and providers factoring that revenue into their spending plans, the Government is doing just that.

“Last year I expressed concern that these monies would not be protected, despite being told by Government that they would be “ring-fenced” for investment in health and social care. As we see that levy being repealed just seven months after it began to be collected, I question how much faith we can put in reassurances that funding for health and social care services will be maintained at the same level as if the Levy was in place*. And I am sceptical about how committed Ministers are to supporting UK healthcare and the NHS. From where I sit, the answer is sadly “not enough”.”

Dr Michelle Drage, CEO, Londonwide Local Medical Committees.


Parliamentary listing for Health and Social Care Levy repeal on 11 October.

Ref to “ring fenced” monies.

Ref to funding being maintained as if the levy was in place: HMT Policy paper/ factsheet on the reversal of the Health and Social Care Levy.

Ref to Dr Drage’s concerns in September 2021.