Londonwide LMCs’ August 2020 Newsletter

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August 2020 Newsletter

‘Phase 3’ resumption of services summary

NHS CEO Sir Simon Stevens wrote to Trusts and FTs, CCGs, GPs, PCNs, Community Health Providers and NHS 111 at the end of July setting out expected activity for the third phase of the NHS’ Covid-19 response and priorities for 2020/21.


Covid Fund deadline: 15 September


Practices have just under four weeks to submit their applications via CCGs for reimbursement of a specific set of Coronavirus expenses.


GP Professional Support Network


Our new online platform provides a single point of access to match GPs with the most appropriate form of professional support for you, with all services able to be provided remotely.


Update to the 2020/21 national flu immunisation programme


DHSC have released further details on the expanded cohorts, additional national vaccine supply, uptake ambitions, which vaccines to offer which groups, and national marketing.


Guidance Updates

Resource of the Month

imageCoronavirus expenses tracker
Our template spreadsheet allows you to keep an ongoing record of the extra expenses incurred in keeping staff and patients safe.
Download  ►
Londonwide LMCs’ Living Guide
NHS England Covid-19 guidance
BMA Covid-19 guidance
Public Health England Covid-19 guidance
NHS England ‘Phase 3’ letter on resumption of services
National flu immunisation programme plan
RCPCH shielding guidance

Londonwide Diary


07EPS Phase 4 activation
08Fundamentals of Influenza Immunisation
15Covid fund deadline
23Website accessibility requirements
TBCCervical Cytology update



15Managing people in general practice and primary care
10Contraception update


The future role of general practice

We are grateful for the offers of help with our research project which is looking at the ongoing and future need and role for general practice. By way of background, this paper by Lisa Harrod-Rothwell, our Deputy CEO, sets out our views on the unique value of general practice.

Also this month…

Healthcare professionals asked to register for Covid-19 vaccine trials

imageThe Government have issued a call for more people to join the NHS Covid-19 Vaccine Research Registry. Researchers are asking for people from all parts of society to participate in the study, especially the over 65s, frontline health and social care workers, and those from BAME backgrounds.


Updated Living Guide document

imageUpdates reflect the pause in shielding, changes to self-isolation and the resumption of some non-Coronavirus related services.



Remember to use BEAM to LMC to highlight the pressure you are under

imageOur BEAM to LMC mobile app, which enables you to tell us about the pressures you are under from commissioners and others, is proving popular. Make sure you check the app for push notifications.



Media and public affairs round-up

imageOn 4 August Dr Michelle Drage, our CEO, was quoted in in a GPonline article on NHS England’s plans to restore general practice services which had been suspended to create capacity to manage Coronavirus.

We are currently seeking GPs with specialist expertise in cancer care to take part in short interviews for an upcoming campaign, get in touch via the contact details below if you are interested.

We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn. If you have an example of general practice doing something well which could make a news story please get in touch. We also support practices that are approached with media requests. You can find details here.


Got a story? Email us at [email protected].
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 11 September.
Download your resources from our GP State of Emergency website.  Facebook  Facebook  Twitter

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Last updated : 28 Aug 2020