London Ambulance Service feedback wanted

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London Ambulance Service (LAS) have asked us to help them to revise their strategic plan. In advance of a meeting in late November, we need your thoughts on what is working well between LAS and general practice (green), what is ok but could be improved (orange) and what needs revisiting/ stopping/ updating (red). We would also welcome any examples you can give about your work with LAS locally in any of these groups. Please help us to help them to better understand the pressures on GPs.

It would be helpful to have your thoughts via by Friday 11 November or users of our Beam to LMC App can feedback on LAS issues in the usual way.

For information, this is the LAS “Guidance for GPs – Emergency Ambulance Requests” document which was shared with us during the pandemic.

And the latest NHS Digital Ambulance response data is available here.