LMC successfully amend pan-London two-week-wait forms

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Plans to make GPs’ mobile and direct dial numbers publicly available have been altered.

Plans to make GPs’ mobile and direct dial numbers publicly available have been altered.

Following concerns raised by GPs in London about a planned update to the 2ww referral forms to include fields for both the practice bypass number and the GP mobile number, Londonwide have successfully made representations on behalf of London practices for the forms to be amended. 

 The form will no longer include a field for GP mobile numbers and the practice bypass number field will link to a list of numbers which is only accessible from an NHS email account. 

This revision is a direct response to LMC Medical Directors raising significant concerns about GPs’ personal information being requested within a form accessible to patients on the basis that this would allow patients with access to their records to see the referring GPs mobile number and the practice bypass number, which might lead to some inappropriate usage. 

If you have an issue locally that you want help with, please bring it to the attention of your LMC. Contact your local team here.