Lambeth LMC newsletter – June 2022

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleagues,

In our June meeting, Lambeth LMC focused on issues raised by practice managers. Sandra Connolly and Sarah Cross, our practice manager representatives, are trying to coordinate a revival of the Practice Manager Forum. They reported that there is a feeling of being communicated ‘at’ rather than ‘with’ among practice managers. Particular areas of frustration at the moment include data-sharing and IT, workforce issues and the multiplicity of targets in our various and increasingly confusing contracts.

This last issue we discussed with commissioners in Part 2 of our meeting. National targets, such as IIF and QOF, are not in their control. We asked them to help us to take an overview and explain where the contracts overlap and align. In terms of data for non-QOF targets, most will come via EZ Analytics, and we have requested refresher webinars in how to use this. The Federation has also offered support.

The data-sharing and IT problems are many, overlapping and complicated. As a first step, some of us have met with the new SEL Data Protection Officer for GP, Danielle Gibbons, to understand how the Data Controller Console (DCC) is supposed to work and where processes can be improved. Separately we are working with the Clinical Cabinet to see how we can make the GP IT board more accessible.

Best wishes,

Dr Penelope Jarrett

Lambeth LMC