During these difficult times we appreciate that general practice is under extreme workload pressures trying to meet numerous demands which they may be struggling to do so with existing staff and workforce numbers and challenges.
Londonwide LMCs would like to help practices and sessional GPs connect in order to fill any gaps to assist with the continuation of general practice throughout the Covid-19 vaccination programme.
Sessional GPs
If would like to assist practices during the Covid-19 vaccination programme please complete this short survey stating which areas you work in, your availability and the best contact details. We will need your permission to share this with practices in the areas that you work in.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like a list of colleagues who have informed us that they are interested in being alerted to additional sessions in your area at this busy time, and who have given us permission to share their contact details on request.
We will provide you with a link and password to access this information. Please do not share these. It is your responsibility to make direct contact, agree terms, and undertake the necessary employment checks.
Last updated : 07 Jan 2021