This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest.
Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports.
Official bodies
NHS Digital
- All recent data releases can be seen here.
- Data: Patients Registered at a GP Practice [9/11].
- 141,820 more registered patients on 1 November 2023, compared to 1 October 2023.
- Data: NHS Payments to General Practice [9/11].
- Nationally the NHS paid on average £164.64 per registered patient.
Department for Health and Social Care
- Press release: We must adapt for an ageing population says Chief Medical Officer [10/11].
Health and Social Care Select Committee
- Press release: Chair’s Comment on King’s Speech [7/11].
Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies
Health Foundation
- Article: NHS heading for perfect storm as winter approaches [9/11].
King’s Fund
- Blog: Unpacking why health outcomes in the UK compare poorly with peers [8/11].
- Blog:Being a staff member and a carer in the NHS: who should care? [8/11].
COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities Study
- Report: Mental and physical health [9/11].
- 17% of young people reported having a long-term illness that limits their daily activity.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Report: Health at a Glance: United Kingdom [7/11].
- There were 403 avoidable admissions to primary care per 100,000 population, less than the OECD average of 463.
- 67% of people were satisfied with the availability of quality healthcare (OECD average 67%).
- The UK spends 11.3% of GDP on health, compared to 9.2% on average in the OECD.
- There are 3.2 practising doctors per 1,000 population (OECD average 3.7).
- Data: First Life in the UK Index identifies wellbeing gap between young and old [6/10].
- The social wellbeing score for the UK in 2023 is 72 out of a possible 100. Social wellbeing includes aspects from health and mental health.
London Trusts
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Article: Using AI to speed up lung cancer diagnosis [7/11].
Barts Health NHS Trust
- Article: Collaborating to increase choice and reduce waits [7/11].
- Thousands of patients have agreed to receive their treatment at other hospitals as we step up efforts to collaborate with our NHS partners to bring down waiting lists.
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
- Article: Police to attend fewer mental health calls under new way of working [7/11].
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Article: AI stethoscope rolled out to GP clinics in north west London to help diagnose heart failure [8/11].
- A national trial will determine if providing GPs with AI-enabled stethoscopes increases early diagnosis of heart failure.
Whittington Health NHS Trust
- Article: Whittington helps local people take part in liver research [7/11].