Health landscape report: 6 – 10 May 2024

  • Latest news

This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.

This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest.  

Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports.  

Official bodies    

NHS Digital 

Department of Health and Social Care 

    • Information on the £16 million support fund for regional partnerships to prevent and respond to exploitative employment practices of internationally recruited care staff.

UK Health Security Agency 

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities 


    • Ofsted and the CQC have published a joint thematic review of Start for Life services, which provide support for parents from pregnancy until their baby is 2 years old. 

Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies    

The Health Foundation 

Nuffield Trust 

Smart Thinking – (Centre for Social Justice) 

  • Lonely nation [7/5].  
  • During 2023 a quarter of the population felt regularly lonely, a figure that has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic leading to mental health issues.  
    • Seven in ten 18–24-year-olds say they feel lonely.  
    • 29% say they feel a fundamental separateness from other people and the wider world. 


  • Tracker: Who Brits talk to about their mental health 

London Trusts    

Barts Health NHS Trust 

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust 

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust