Health landscape report: 31 July – 4 August 2023

  • Latest news

This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.

This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest. 

Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports. 


Official bodies   

NHS Digital  

  • All recent data releases can be seen here 


Care Quality Commission 


Department of Health and Social Care 


NHS National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 


Office for Health Improvement and Disparities 


Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies   



Health Foundation 

  • Disabled people, people with a carer, and carers themselves were significantly more likely to support virtual wards compared to the population as a whole. 
  • Older people are more open to using virtual wards – under the right conditions. Just 21% of those aged 65 and over say they would not want to be treated through a virtual ward, compared to 36% of 16–24-year-olds. 


  • The April strike rates were: weekday 7am-7pm £161/hr; 7pm-11pm £215/hr; weekend 7am-11pm £215/hr; overnight 11pm-7am £269/hr 
  • The March rates were: weekday 7am-7pm £158/hr; 7pm-11pm £210/hr; weekend 7am-11pm £210/hr; overnight 11pm-7am £262/hr 
  • The HSJ also notes that London trusts resisted paying BMA rate card rates for consultant cover over the first two JD strikes, before relenting ahead of the third strike. 
  • Most initially paid around £200/hr, which is below the £215/hr weekend and £269/hr overnight BMA rates. 


Nuffield Trust 


NHS Providers 


NHS Confederation 

  • Exploring how the patient voice can embedded into system working in a meaningful and transformative way. 


National Institue for Health and Care Research 


Doctors of the world 





London Trusts   

Barts Health NHS Foundation Trust 

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust 


Social media  


London local authorities