Health landscape report: 29 January – 2 February 2024

  • Latest news

This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.

This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest.  

Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports.  


Official bodies    

NHS Digital 


Department for Health and Social Care 


UK Health Security Agency  


Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 


Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies    

NHS Confederation 


NHS Providers 


King’s Fund   




Institute for Fiscal Studies 

  • How does the ethnicity mix of NHS doctors compare with wider populations? How does it differ by seniority, gender, specialty and country of training? 

Policy Exchange 

  • Improved transparency and quality of waiting times data was a central recommendation made in Policy Exchange’s report ‘A Wait on your Mind? A realistic proposal for tackling the elective backlog’ (2021) which was authored jointly by former Head of Unit and current Special Adviser to the Health Secretary, Robert Ede and Dr Sean Phillips, Policy Exchange’s current Head of Health and Social Care. 





London Trusts    

Barts Health NHS Trust   


Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 

  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust has started to roll out a new 24/7 service that helps patients, relatives and carers get direct access to senior clinicians if they are concerned that ward staff aren’t recognising that a patient’s condition may be getting worse. 


Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust   

  • King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust recently launched Epic, a new electronic patient record, and in doing so, replaced hundreds of different IT systems and paper records previously in use across our hospitals. 


The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust   


University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust