Health landscape report: 22 – 26 July 2024

  • Latest news

This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.

This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest.  

Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports.  

Official bodies    

NHS Digital 

Department of Health and Social Care 

UK Health Security Agency 

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency 


Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies    


  • Public prioritise fixing the NHS most of Keir Starmer’s 5 key missions for government [24/7].  
  • New polling explores the public’s response to the recent King’s Speech and how confident the public are that Keir Starmer’s government can deliver on the 5 key missions. 
    • When asked which of the 5 missions are most important to them, 69% say ‘building an NHS fit for the future’ and 35% say ‘making Britain’s streets safe’. 
    • Improving the NHS is even more important to those voting Labour in 2024 (77%). 
    • Britons are net positive that Labour will do a good rather than bad job on each of the 5 missions – especially ‘building an NHS fit for the future’ (+22). 
  • The public were asked whether they supported or opposed a range of policies included in the King’s Speech.Most policies were strongly or somewhat supported in principle by a majority of the public with 8 in 10 or more supporting policies to: 
    • Delivering an extra 40,000 NHS appointments every week, during evening and weekends (86%).  
  • Voters split on future leader of the Conservative Party and reasons for election defeat [24/7].  
  • Poor delivery on the NHS and scandals involving the Party are the top reasons why Conservatives lost the 2024 election according to new Ipsos polling. 
    • For those voting Labour, a range of issues were mentioned by half or more, but the number one issue cited was poor delivery on the NHS (63%). 
    • For Lib Dem voters, poor delivery on the NHS (59%).  
  • Public concern about the NHS rises to its highest level post-pandemic [23/7].  
  • The July 2024 Issues Index, conducted immediately after the July 2024 General Election, reveals a jump in the proportion of Britons who see the NHS as the biggest issue facing the country.  
    • Almost half (47%) identify healthcare as a concern, an increase of seven percentage points since June and the highest score since December 2019. 
    • This is the highest level of worry about the health service in the post COVID-19 pandemic era: the previous high was recorded at the time of the 2019 General Election in December (55%). 

Nuffield Trust 

  • A turning tide: is the fall in nursing vacancies cause for applause or anxiety? [26/7].
  • Nursing vacancies in England fell by a third in the 18 months to March this year. Such a headline would usually be applauded but we should remain cautious about NHS nurse numbers. 
    • Over the last parliament, up until March this year, the number of nurses working in the NHS in England increased by nearly 61,000 to around 366,000. 
    • However, it has been reported recently that newly qualified nurses are struggling to find registered nursing jobs. 
  • Productivity in the NHS: what’s getting in the way? [23/7]. 
  • The NHS has a productivity challenge – quite simply, more money and more staff are not translating into enough care. 

General Medical Council  

London Trusts    

Barts Health NHS Trust  

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust 

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust