Health landscape report: 15-19 January 2024

  • Latest news

This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.

This report is a flexible summary, with the aim of sharing and highlighting a wide range of data and policy information relating to London general practice published in a given week. Where we view information to be of significant interest it is reproduced directly below the links to make the key points quicker to digest. 

Please feel free to share any useful stats/links you think we could include in future reports. 

Official bodies    

NHS Digital   


Department for Health and Social Care 

  • Problem periods, women’s health research and support for domestic and sexual abuse victims are among the government’s priorities. 


UK Health Security Agency  


Policy, think tanks, charities and representative bodies    

NHS Confederation 


NHS Providers 


Nuffield Trust 


London Trusts    

Barts Health NHS Trust 

  • Have highlighted that their hospitals will remain open during the period of planned rail strikes. 


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

  • The Hot Topics in Global Health conference is set to take place on 13 and 14 May 2024 at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. 


Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust 


Whittingham Health NHS Trust