London general practice funding streams tracker

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Over the past year the Londonwide LMCs team has been validating and tracking general practice funding streams; confirming ICB/borough allocations and agreeing mechanisms to monitor these on a regular basis.

The monitoring mechanisms vary, but one example is agreeing an ICB finance lead to liaise with the LMC team. We have also asked practice managers and LMC members for feedback on payment issues.  

The result is a tracker capturing confirmed funding streams and local allocation, alongside specific plans for support for general practice by ICS/borough, as well as any identified action needed to draw down funds, and by whom. This is in addition to tracking delivery of ICB funds announced nationally via NHSE communications:

Whilst the work to identify and validate funds for general practice is ongoing, we wanted to share with you an overview of the tracking document. Additional fields on funding flows/ sign off processes, local and regional funding envelopes including by ICBs, and specific updates including any delays in allocation are also tracked, they have been omitted from this published/ publicly accessible version.

A PDF with selected details from our tracker document can be viewed here.