General Practitioners Defence Fund (GPDF) AGM and London practice representation

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A number of Londonwide LMCs staff and LMCs’ nominated representatives attended the GPDF AGM on 9 September.

Questions were submitted in advance of the meeting by Londonwide LMCs, largely focussing on the Annual Report and Accounts regarding the organisation’s finances and the use to which practices’ “quota payments” are put. The responses given were unsatisfactory and have led Londonwide LMCs and a number of other LMCs across the UK to question the probity and financial management of the Fund.

The Londonwide Executive team and Board of Directors are recommending that London LMCs suspend quota payments to the GPDF whilst we consider the best way to use the funds currently contributed for the direct benefit of London GPs and their teams.

As the largest contributor to the Fund and noting the excess of reserves currently held at this time of crisis for general practice, Londonwide LMCs will take some time, in consultation with London members, to consider possible next steps beginning with suspension of the annual £260k+ payment contributed by London LMCs.

A number of other LMCs have shared that they have already given the GPDF Board notice that they are suspending their quota payments. These include: Surrey & Sussex; Northumberland, and; Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire. Others are actively considering action.

A paper of unspecified authorship was circulated to LMCs last week (w/c 12 September) and outlines a series of additional concerns regarding the current operational management, and impact, of the GPDF. Its contents include analysis showing a stark disparity between funding from, and representation for, London practices.

We understand that the GPDF Chair, Dr Dougy Moederle-Lumb, will be making a full statement by the weekend. It’s unclear whether that statement will address the various points made in the document circulated to LMCs last week but we obviously hope that he will comment on the funding/representation disparity, and we will update practices in due course.