General Practice Alert State (GPAS) paused

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This will give Londonwide LMCs time to evaluate its impact and consider the best way of gathering information on practice pressures.

GPAS is innovative but it has not yet managed to achieve the objective of accurately reporting GP system pressures and obtaining reactive localised support to resolve these. One concern is that boroughs have been reporting a green GPAS rating, despite us being aware of significant pressures across those boroughs, which demonstrates a possible accuracy issue. As with most innovations, there is a time to reflect and learn before moving forward and we feel that GPAS has now reached this point. Devon LMC, the pioneers of GPAS, have also decided to stop GPAS data collection locally and have withdrawn their support for the national system. They had a similar experience to the London and have cited the risk of “normalising” unacceptable pressures as a major reason to stop GPAS.

However, the issues which led to the creation of GPAS still exist and practices still need to be able to share the pressures experienced with the wider system. We believe that using a tool where Londonwide LMCs is the safe and trusted guardian of practices’ information and data offers the best way to achieve this. Moreover, with our ability to collate and escalate issues when you and others are under pressure. Londonwide LMCs is best placed to capture your collective evidence to measure the stresses in general practice in a way which is comparable to other parts of the NHS and enable rapid reactive support and solutions from local commissioners.

Londonwide LMCs will be exploring ways of evolving GPAS to try to meet this objective.

Thanks you to everyone that has been involved in GPAS to date, and we will be in touch in the New Year about proposed developments.

As always please feel free to contact either Dr Elliott Singer, Project Director, or Ann Ayamah [email protected], Project Manager, should you wish to raise anything in the interim.