GP pensions

Friday 28 February pension submission deadlines for practices

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Practices need to submit their GP end of year pension forms for 2023-24 and their pension estimates for 2025/26.

Pension estimate forms can be found within PCSE Online, APMS practices who manage their pensions via the Solo route do not need to submit an estimate. More details on pension estimates are here.

The 2023/24 pension forms should be type 1 for GP partners or non-GP partners, and type 2 for salaried, assistant and Solo. Where a GP was a partner and salaried during the year financial year both forms should be submitted.

The process for the forms is:

  1. Download forms from the NHS Pensions website, which also contains more detail on the process.
  2. Submit them to PCSE via the online enquiry (contact us form).
  3. Practices will then receive a case reference and PCSE will process the forms by mid-June, subject to them being complete and accurate.
  4. NHS Pension Scheme members will be contacted at this time as well to either confirm their form has been successfully reconciled or to request further information.