Air quality, asthma and being greener

London has an ongoing air quality problem which impacts on people’s health in general, particularly those with asthma. 

Ask About Asthma 

The week of 3 October 2022 is #AskAboutAsthma week in London, which encourages clinicians to: 

  1. Get an asthma action plan in place. 
  1. Ensure patients understand how to use inhalers correctly. 
  1. Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack. 
  1. Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health. 

The fourth point was new for this year’s Ask About Asthma week. 

Greener Practice network 

Separate to the above campaign, the Greener Practice network aims to support more environmentally sustainable primary care and improve care of conditions that relate to environmental factors. 

There are North London and South London Greener Practice groups that any healthcare professional can join, via these forms. The North London joiners form is here and the South London here. Group members keep in contact digitally and in-person meetings also take place. 

Greener Practice also have an asthma toolkit which is particularly relevant given the air quality challenges we face in London, with the toolkit also tying in to the Investment and Impact Fund respiratory indicators.