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NHS England Practice Manager Development Coaching and Mentoring Support – expression of interest

NHS England has commissioned ‘Beyond Coaching’ to provide coaching and mentoring support to practice managers who are playing a key role in supporting practices experiencing challenges, assisting change/improvement in general practice including new ways of working and contributing to redesigning care for the future. This is as part of NHS England’s GPFV practice manager development […]

Londonwide LMCs’ December 2018 newsletter

December Newsletter Interim Ipsos Mori report on Babylon GP at Hand Ipsos Mori have released their interim report, which mostly outlines the methodology and data sources they will be using to evaluate the Babylon GP at Hand service. READ MORE   ► NHS England and CCGs investigating half-day closing sub-contracting Some London practices who close […]

GP representation required on the Independent Group Advising on the Release of Data (IGARD)

NHS Digital is recruiting specialist members to join IGARD, an independent group that considers applications for health and care data. IGARD advice ensures compliance with the relevant law and ethical principles with respect to the data and information that NHS Digital uses. Applicants for the post should have an understanding of confidentiality, consent and the […]

Ipsos Mori interim report on the independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand

The interim report of Ipsos Mori’s independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand mostly covers the methodology and data sources which the evaluation will use. It does not provide any indication of potential findings or conclusions. The report outlines high level objectives as answering these questions: What is the impact of Babylon GP at Hand […]

BMA seek feedback on NHSPS leases without service charges

The BMA would like to speak to practices in in NHS Property Services premises who have: Written leases without service charge provisions where no payments have historically been made Written leases without service charge provisions, where payments have previously been made but the sums have now increased. Please email if your practice fits into either of […]

NHS England and CCGs investigating half-day closing sub-contracting arrangements

NHS England and various London CCGs have been carrying out analysis of practices’ opening hours based on the information provided in their E-Declarations. Some commissioners have identified practices who have declared that they close for half a day per week and have examined their sub-contracting arrangements in line with the guidance issued by NHS England in […]

Tips of the month December 2018

We provide weekly tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for this newsletter.   #TipoftheWeek Adequate indemnity insurance to be on the National GP Performers’ List is not widely regarded by NHSE to be £10m per case (not […]

General Practice Indicators module on the NHS England primary care website updated.

NHS England have recently updated eight indicators in the General Practice Indicators module on The eight indicators which have been updated relate to: Cervical screening to 2017/18 Q2 All prescribing based indicators up to 2017/18 Q4 Patient list size data up to July 2018 in GP practice profiles Updates to these indicators may have resulted […]

ICO fines for practices who do not pay their registration fees

From 25 May 2018, the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 required every organisation or sole trader who processes personal information to pay a data protection fee to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), unless they are exempt. The new data protection fee replaces the previous requirement to ‘notify’ (or register) with the ICO. For […]