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New forum for all practice management roles

Calling all general practice managers, business managers, finance managers, operations managers, and data quality managers. We’d like to invite you to join our Londonwide Practice Manager Forum.  Previously known as the Practice Manager Leads Forum, this year we are opening the forum to you, who are at the heart of London’s general practice. For you, […]

Premises update January 2019

Our main update this month concerns Rent Agreement Letters. The rest of this item re-iterates advice provided in previous premises updates, which remains relevant to practices in NHS Property Services (NHSPS) and Community Health Partnerships (CHP) premises.. LMC support with premises Issues NHS England/CCGs have a duty to consult with the LMC over issues that […]

Final pay control for 1995 pension scheme

The government introduced an employer’s charge for pensionable salaried pay rises which are over the allowable amount, for employees who are members of the 1995 pension scheme. We are aware that some practices are now receiving these charges, and it is recommended that practices familiarise themselves with the process if they have employees who are […]

Practices instructed to begin ordering licensed flu vaccines for next winter

In November NHS England, Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care wrote to practices instructing them to begin ordering currently licensed flu vaccines. In January NHS England provided an update to this letter The original November letter can be read here and the January update here. Current NHS England advice is for practices to order […]

GP Partnership Review recommendations published

Throughout it’s recommendations the Review’s findings broadly support the investment in workforce and other central planks of NHS England policy. We have summarised the recommendations which fall outside existing policy. For the full recommendations, with their original working, please see the GP Partnership Review Final Report. 1: There are significant opportunities that should be taken forward […]

Tips of the month January 2019

We provide weekly tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for this newsletter.   #TipoftheWeek You must report any death on your practice premises to NHSE and CQC no later than the end of the first working day […]

Tackling loneliness and social isolation this Christmas

This time of year can see the problems loneliness and isolation at their worst for many people, the consequences of which are often seen in GP consultations. Zaidee O’Dell, Compassionate Neighbours London Project Manager, explains how their project is tackling social isolation in several London boroughs. Compassionate Neighbours is an award-winning programme that started here at St […]