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New five year GP contract

The new GP Contract has been agreed between the BMA’s GPC and NHS England. This is a critical issue for London general practice and we will be circulating more information and analysis over the coming weeks to ensure that you do not miss any key dates and are clear on the bottom lines, and the risks. […]

Preparing for Brexit with MidMeds

With growing uncertainty about the impacts of Brexit on London general practice, we know that some practices are thinking about stockpiling essential supplies as we near B-day on 29 March. The Londonwide Buying Group’s recommended medical supplies provider, MidMeds, has increased stock levels for hundreds of the most purchased products, including pharmaceuticals, to help give […]

Londonwide LMCs’ Buying Group Locum Insurance Survey – February 2019

Londonwide LMCs and the Londonwide LMCs’ Buying Group insurance providers MIAB are keen to assess the impact and uptake amongst our members of the NHS’s Sickness Reimbursement Scheme, introduced in April 2017. Similarly we’d like to know whether you continue to purchase locum insurance (either a full policy or top-up plan), and what improvements or […]

An Overview of the NHS Pension Scheme – Wednesday 27 March 2019

An Overview of the NHS Pension Scheme Wednesday 27 March 2019 The workshop will enhance existing levels of understanding and ensure that GP Practices attain full compliance with their legal/statutory Employer Obligations specific to the NHS Pension Year End process.   Wednesday 27 March 2019 9:30 – 12:30 Registration and refreshments from 9:00 Londonwide LMCs […]

Londonwide LMCs’ January 2019 newsletter

January 2019 Newsletter NHS Long Term Plan launched The NHS’s new plan will see all practices joining Primary Care Networks by 2020 and providing online appointments by 2024. £4.5bn of extra funding will go into primary care by 2024. READ MORE   ► GP Partnership Review recommendations The GP Partnership Review has published its report, […]

Supporting patients to stay healthy in the community

Dr Lisa Harrod-Rothwell, Deputy Chief Executive of Londonwide LMCs, looks at how practices can use sign-posting to community groups to encourage and support patients to fulfil their New Year’s resolutions. January is the time of year where many patients chose to adopt positive lifestyle changes, be it via incorporating more exercise in their daily routine, […]

Londonwide LMCs’ AGM 2019

Londonwide LMCs’ Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 24 January 2019 at Tavistock House South, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LG. Please click on the links below to access the resources from the AGM: CEO’s report Chair’s report AGM presentation Strategic Plan 2019/20 Londonwide LMCs’ audited financial statement Londonwide Enterprise Ltd audited financial statement     […]

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) update for practices

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and the government have released further guidance on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other related data issues. The ICO have published the guide to data protection, which covers the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR which covers the following areas: Introduction to data protection Guide to the GDPR […]

NHS Long Term Plan summary

The NHS Long Term Plan was launched on Monday 7 January, with an additional £4.5bn promised for primary care by 2024 and a focus on practices collaborating to serve populations of 30,000 – 50,000 patients. The full Long Term Plan document can be read here. The main changes for general practice are focused around the rollout […]