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Londonwide LMCs’ November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter Workforce survey What should the Government’s priorities be over the next five years? Has your view of primary care networks (PCNs) changed since May? Our latest workforce survey should be in the inboxes of GP partners and practice managers. READ MORE   ► GP indemnity checklist Our GP support team have produced […]

Londonwide LMCs’ October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter Digital-first update NHS England’s board has approved proposals put forward for managing the funding and lists of digital-first providers. READ MORE   ► Notification of Deaths Regulations updates The Ministry of Justice has a new mandatory set of circumstances where GPs must provide written notifications of deaths to coroners. READ MORE   […]

Londonwide LMCs’ September 2019 Newsletter

September 2019 Newsletter New BMA manifesto ‘Caring, supportive, collaborative: a future vision for the NHS’ is a positive document, which enshrines a number of ideas and principles Londonwide LMCs’ has been advocating for some years. READ MORE   ► Becoming more dementia friendly for World Alzheimer’s Day Saturday is World Alzheimer’s Day. With 72,000 Londoners […]

Londonwide LMCs’ August 2019 Newsletter

August 2019 Newsletter Support for Primary Care Network Clinical Directors The introduction of the PCN DES means significant changes in the way practices deliver some existing services, and the roll-out of a new range of services. Londonwide LMCs is well placed to support PCN Clinical Directors (CDs) in managing and navigating these changes. READ MORE […]

Londonwide LMCs’ July 2019 Newsletter

July 2019 Newsletter Primary Care Networks update The start of this month saw the deadline for Primary Care Networks finalisation. We continue to update our PCN Model Schedules, as more information becomes available. We have also produced a timeline of PCN milestones over the next nine months. READ MORE   ► Digital-First consultation response Our […]

Londonwide LMCs’ June 2019 Newsletter

June 2019 Newsletter PCN Model Schedules update We will shortly be issuing an updated version of our PCN Model Schedules to reflect new information which has become available, and respond to queries from practices. READ MORE   ► Babylon GP at Hand update The independent evaluation into Babylon GP at Hand was published in May, […]

Londonwide LMCs’ May 2019 Newsletter

May 2019 Newsletter Primary Care Network applications CCGs are currently assessing PCN applications. We can support practices where changes are requested or you have yet to join a network. Clinical Directors can also stay up to date by joining our new email based forum. READ MORE   ► Mword 37 Dr Michelle Drage reminds practices […]

Londonwide LMCs’ April 2019 Newsletter

April 2019 Newsletter New Primary Care Network updates NHS England and the BMA have published the long awaited Network Agreement and supporting documents for the Primary Care Network DES in advance of the submission date. We also have new details on indemnity (see below). READ MORE   ► Sessional GP subcommittee nominations close tomorrow Nominations for […]

Londonwide LMCs’ March 2019 Newsletter

March 2019 Newsletter New GP contract guidance Read our new, short, guides explaining what the new GP Contract means for practices; and looking at the specific steps you need to take. READ MORE   ► Feedback sought on changes to NHS commissioning law We have submitted initial comments to the Parliamentary Health Committee considering NHS […]