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Motions for Conference of England LMCs 2020

The England Conference of LMCs will take place on Friday 27 November and is being held virtually for the first time. The full agenda is available to view here, motions being put forward by LMCs from the areas covered by Londonwide LMCs are detailed below: 5. Agenda committee to be proposed by Tower Hamlets: That conference, in respect […]

Mword Issue 73 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

18 November 2020 Dear Colleague Another temperature check – just to be sure The deadline for practices and their respective PCNs to identify designated sites from which to deliver the Covid-19 vaccination programme has been and gone. Whilst we await word from NHSEI on the proposed sites, I’d like to beg a couple more minutes […]

Mword Issue 72 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

13 November 2020 Dear Colleague Taking your temperature – Let me just get another reading. The vaccines being proposed have very specific requirements and GPs and public health experts need to be thoroughly supported to deliver them. With new information coming out by the hour, it is essential that GPs and practice teams are updated […]

Mword Issue 71 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

11 November 2020 Dear Colleague Taking your temperature Late on Monday we finally received the much awaited letter setting out details of the Covid Vaccination DES. With around three weeks to 1 December and barely six weeks until Christmas, General Practice has been presented with the prospect of scoping, building and delivering a brand new […]

Mword Issue 70 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

30 October 2020 Dear Colleague If you or other practice team members have seen an increase in aggressive behaviours from our patients, sadly you are not alone. We are receiving increasing reports of such experiences from valued staff at our front desks, our caring nurses and our GPs. Examples include swearing during phone consultations about […]

NHSmail for all GP roles

All GPs are eligible for an NHS email (‘NHSmail’) account, regardless of whether you are a partner, locum or salaried, and it has never been easier to get registered. NHSmail accounts have been open to locums since March of this year and we encourage everyone eligible to sign-up to get one. During the Coronavirus pandemic it has never […]

GP Contract changes – Coronavirus provisions extended

At the end of September NHS England wrote to practices and commissioners reminding them of the 2020-21 GP Contract changes and announcing announced the extension of some temporary measures introduced as part of the Coronavirus response, specifically: • A suspension of the requirement that practices report to commissioners about the Friends and Family Test returns. […]

GMC publish new consent guidance

The GMC have updated their guidance in relation to consent – the guidance comes into effect on 9 November 2020 and can be accessed at the link below: Guidance on professional standards and ethics for doctors – Decision making and consent The guidance does not introduce any new obligations, rather it provides more expansive guidance […]

Health Select Committee pandemic report

Amongst other things,Parliament’s Health and Social Care Select Committee called for improvements in referral handling at the primary/secondary care interface, better staff testing (including for GPs and staff) and quoted evidence highlighting: Problems with information flow between primary and secondary care. Difficulties in GPs getting investigations booked/ tests conducted. More risk aversion when working remotely/digitally. […]