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Mword Issue 76 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

4 December 2020 Dear Colleague I wrote to you yesterday setting out some of the new details we think we know (and some of those that we don’t) about the delivery and requirements of the new Covid-19 Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES). With things moving quickly, and new information about the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme coming out thick and […]

Mword Issue 74 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

26 November 2020 Dear Colleague Today practices and their respective PCNs have been informed which designated sites have been approved to deliver the Covid-19 vaccination programme. Whilst matters are moving on a-pace and are subject to rapid change, fewer than half of our practices recently told us that they intend to sign up to the […]

Send us your picture for our latest social media campaign

This winter we will be running a social media campaign to highlight that general practice staff are people just like everyone else and patients should consider this before taking out any frustrations on them. Just because someone is now a face behind a mask does not make them any less of a person. We are […]

Londonwide LMCs’ November 2020 Newsletter

Does this email not look right? Click here. November 2020 Newsletter Covid-19 vaccinations Our guide for London practices and PCNs on the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) is now available on a new purpose-built microsite. We also have the results of our ‘temperature check’ of practice’s reaction to the proposed ES. READ MORE > New workforce survey […]

New guide to the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES)

New guidance for London practices and PCNs on the Covid Vaccination Enhanced Service (ES) is now available on our new purpose-built microsite. As new information is made available we will update our guidance, and we will continue to escalate queries from practices at a local and national level. Please get in touch via if there are issues […]

Living Guide and Flu Guide updates November 2020

Since mid-October when we sent out our last newsletter, our Living Guide has been updated a number of times which includes added information on long-term conditions. The following accompanying documents to the Living Guide have been updated in the last month as well: GP management of febrile children during the Covid-19 pandemic (new document) Long Covid (new document) […]

Connecting sessional GPs and practices

During these difficult times we appreciate that a number of our sessional GPs working in London have found it difficult to find sessions, yet general practice is under extreme workload pressures trying to meet numerous demands. As part of our work supporting sessional GPs, we would like to help colleagues build contacts with practices in […]

Tips of the Month November 2020

We provide weekly tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for this newsletter. We have offically launched our new microsite which has information for London practices about the Covid-19 Vaccination Enhanced Service programme. The site will be updated […]