Londonwide LMCs December 2024 newsletter
Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
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Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
Get in touch to take part in our website usability testing to help us understand how we can improve it.
We are sharing key points from our response and encourage those working in practices to also make their views known.
On 8 October NHS England issued its latest update on the Becton Dickinson blood test container supply problem. The main change from previous advice is the instruction to order Becton Dickinson containers “little and often”, with the aim of practices holding no more than one week’s stock at any time. Demand from June and July this year should be the […]
15 October 2021 Dear Colleague, Staying Present. If you have had a chance to look through the “General Practice Support package” released yesterday then I’m sure you are as disappointed, frustrated, and downright angry as I am. The measures set out by Ministers and NHS England managers, and crowed over by the Daily Mail as […]
On 23 July 2021 NHS England and NHS Improvement and Public Health England issued a useful letter which advises people without an NHS number, including people who are migrants, how to get the Covid-19 vaccine. The letter also advises how register at a GP practice. You can download the letter here. If you have any queries […]
01 October 2021 Dear Colleague Practice staff abuse: raising your concerns with political and police leaders I am utterly appalled by the verbal and physical attacks on GPs and practice staff colleagues, and the level of abuse levelled at GPs through social media. I am astounded by the propaganda we face in relation to false […]
1 October 2021 Dear Colleague Practice staff abuse: raising your concerns with political and police leaders I am utterly appalled by the verbal and physical attacks on GPs and practice staff colleagues, and the level of abuse levelled at GPs through social media. I am astounded by the propaganda we face in relation to false […]
We need your help to combat the growing anti-GP sentiment being experienced by GPs and practice staff. As your representative body, we are increasingly worried about the volume of abuse which our GPs and practice teams are being subjected to on a daily basis, and the mental and physical effect of that abuse. If you […]
The BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting 2021 was held virtually on 13 and 14 September. Londonwide LMCs proposed a motion to end compensation claimants pursuing professional proceedings against GPs. The motion as passed reads: Motion by Conference of LMCs: That this meeting notes the concerns expressed by indemnity providers that the goodwill shown to clinicians in the pandemic will […]
The last month has seen a number of new announcements affecting general practice and the wider health and care system. Autumn and Winter Plan Last week the Government launched its Covid-19 Response: Autumn and Winter Plan 2021, setting out measures to control the Covid-19 pandemic through the coming months, and further steps in the form of […]
By Dr Phil Moore, Mental Health Clinical Co-Director for the NHS in London, co-chair of London’s Suicide Prevention Group, and chair of the Mental Health Commissioners Network for NHS Clinical Commissioners Primary care services are under pressure. Clinical and non-clinical staff continue to face unprecedented challenges from increased workload, struggles with waiting times for treatment, post-pandemic […]