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5–11-year-old Covid-19 vaccination

NHS England has confirmed the eligibility of this new cohort, saying that they expect community pharmacy to lead on vaccinating them. 5–11-year-olds will receive reduced 0.2ml/10 mcg doses of the Pfizer vaccine, administered at least 12 weeks apart. The following guidance has been issued: Updated JCVI advice for vaccinating 5 to 11-year-olds COVID-19 vaccination: vaccine […]

Vaccination as Condition of Deployment (VCOD) measures set to be cancelled

Regulations requiring healthcare workers to be fully vaccinated by 1 April should no longer be applied, the Health Secretary Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP announced to Parliament on the evening of 31 January. Joint statement from the GMC and Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, 10 February NHS England letter and FAQs re: VCOD, 8 February […]

Lambeth LMC newsletter – February 2022

Dear Colleague, We have become accustomed to frequent and varying advice to GPs, but the last-minute decision to reconsider Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment (VCOD) must be the nearest to a handbrake turn! In our meeting, we discussed how practices have spent time on this, it has affected relationships, some have lost staff, others […]