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Doctor injecting a vaccine in arm of baby boy

Vaccinations and immunisations for babies born to hepatitis B infected mothers

From 1 April 2021 vaccinations and immunisations became an essential service and GP practices are required, as part of their GMS contract, to provide vaccinations and immunisations to all eligible patients or target groups within their practice population.  A component of the selective immunisation programme is the vaccination of babies born to mothers who have […]

New campaign to “Rebuild General Practice” launched

The Rebuild General Practice campaign aims to raise awareness of the recruitment, retention and workload challenges facing general practice by demonstrating how they impact on patient care. Launched on Monday 21 March, backed by the GPDF working with the BMA, the media and political influencing campaign has produced resources to support LMC messaging and engagement […]

Real time information on GP pressure

Londonwide LMCs is planning to launch an easy-to-use digital reporting system to gather and present real time information about the pressures on general practice across the Capital. The General Practice Alert State (GPAS) will collect practice information on a weekly basis in an anonymised and unidentifiable way to report on workload strains on general practice […]

National Covid Memorial Wall in London

End of Covid Act changes to death registration and certification

The arrangements for death certification and registration introduced by the Coronavirus Act (2020) expire on 24 March 2022. The relevant guidance can be found on the Government website, the key points of which are summarised below. The following provisions continue after 24 March 2022: The period before death within which a doctor completing a Medical Certificate of Cause of […]

Nurse in scrubs making notes in conversation with patient

Registered nursing associate blended learning programme launched

This blended learning programme has been developed by experienced primary care nurses and it is specifically designed for registered nursing associates (RNAs) new to working within the general practice setting. The programme is supported by a competency document which is completed in practice, providing evidence of competence for both employers and RNAs. The 11 modules […]

North West London – LMC update – March 2022

Dear Colleagues, Patient record access – NHS England training events In the GMS/PMS contracts in England, from April 2022 new patients registering with a practice should be offered full online access to their digital record for their prospective information. In addition to the detailed coded record (DCR) which is currently available, access to a full […]

Briefing on GP Contract 2022/23 – message from Dr Michelle Drage

Thursday 10 March 2022 Dear Colleagues, Briefing on GP Contract 2022/23 As you will now be aware, despite lengthy negotiation no agreement was reached on changes to the national contract for 2022/23. Negotiations between NHS England and GPC England were part of the five year ‘deal’ agreed in 2019 and on 1 April we will enter […]

How do treatment delays impact patients and general practice?

Our new animation explains how the treatment backlog in the NHS affects patients and exacerbates capacity problems in general practice. London practices are welcome to share it in on social media or embed it on their website if they feel it would be useful. Tell us what you think about our website by completing our quick […]