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Tips of the Month – July 2022

We regularly share useful tips, guidance and details of contractual requirements on social media. #TipsOfTheMonth 💡 Advice on COVID-19 treatments for highest risk non-hospitalised patients advises them to contact their GP if they have not heard from their local CMDU within 24 hours of uploading positive test. — Londonwide LMCs (@LondonwideLMCs) July 22, 2022 #TipsOfTheMonth […]

Mword Issue 99 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

22 July 2022 Dear Colleague They know price of everything and the value of nothing Today your national representatives unanimously resolved to reject the UK Government’s 2.1% for partners and 4.5% for other GP roles. At a meeting of GPC England, which I and a number of London colleagues attended as elected reps, we passed […]

Redbridge LMC newsletter – July 2022

Dear colleagues, Here is the news from the most recent Redbridge LMC meeting Enhanced Access Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are to be required to offer (themselves or by sub-contracting) 60 minutes per 1000 patients per week of additional appointments in specified hours on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Redbridge Local Medical Committee (LMC) is involved in […]

Office for National Statistics recognises GP contribution to economic growth

The Office for National Statistics’ growth figures for May 2022 were released at the start of July and show a 15% increase in GP appointments as being a significant contributor to the ‘human health activities’ sector as the main driver of growth. Overall growth for the economy was  0.5%. The figures also noted that the […]

End of Open Exeter historic statement access

Primary Care Support England (PCSE) advise that from 31 July 2022 historic statements from Open Exeter will no longer be available to practices because the service will be decommissioned by NHS Digital. Statements from 2014/15 onwards will remain accessible via PCSE Online, but practices who may need statements from before that financial year are advised […]

Medical Examiner Offices to contact practices

A ministerial announcement in June 2022 and subsequent letter from NHS England in July confirmed the plan to implement the statutory Medical Examiner System from April 2023. Medical Examiner Offices have been established in all acute trusts and London practices should expect to be contacted by the Medical Examiner Office at their local trust(s) in […]

National data gathering programme practice visits

A national exercise is being carried out to collect GP premises data that will be held centrally. NHS England say they will use the data to inform future investment in the primary care estate, specifically to: Support the engagement of GP Contract holders in the assessment of need and the prioritisation of investment in primary […]

Hammersmith and Fulham LMC newsletter – July 2022

Dear colleagues, We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as the Co-Chairs of the Hammersmith and Fulham LMC alongside our Vice-Chair Dr David Mummery. This is the first of what will be a regular series of newsletters. Everyone on the LMC recognises the increasing pressures that general practice is under and are […]

Newham LMC newsletter – July 2022

Dear colleagues, Enhanced Access Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are to be required to offer (themselves or by sub-contracting) 60 minutes per 1,000 patients per week of additional appointments in specified hours on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Newham Local Medical Committee (LMC) is involved in discussions on GPs’ behalf about how to deliver this. Issues being […]