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2022/23 Covid vaccination resources

We have gathered together the guidance relating to this autumn’s Covid vaccination campaign for ease of reference. New or recently updated guidance has a date next to it, longstanding guidance which is unaltered from previous years does not.  Patient facing guidance  COVID-19 vaccination: autumn booster resources, published 18 August.  First bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccine approved […]

Advice for newly qualified GPs

This year’s intake of newly qualified GPs received their Certificates of Completion of Training (CCTs) earlier this month. For our August newsletter Dr Natalie Rout, Vice Chair of Camden LMC and Dr Alex Lai, Chair of Wandsworth LMC share their advice for newly qualified GPs. Both Natalie and Alex qualified within the last three years.  […]

General practice issues in Parliament – August 2022

While Parliament has been in summer recess, the Conservative leadership contest has been ongoing with the candidates for Prime Minister setting out some of their ideas around health policy, which are likely to inform how the winner approaches governing.  The next leader of the Conservative Party will be announced on 5 September, shortly after they […]

Retaining international GP trainees

Immigration barriers result in many much needed newly qualified GPs leaving general practice, or leaving the UK entirely. Yet trainees are essential to the future of general practice and international medical graduates (IMGs) make up over 40% of all GP trainees across the UK. We know from our recent workforce survey and our ongoing support […]

Tips of the Month – August 2022

We regularly share useful tips, guidance and details of contractual requirements on social media. Prior to patients gaining access to record entries created from 1 November onwards, @NHSEngland are running free webinars to explain the system to GPs and practice staff. — Londonwide LMCs (@LondonwideLMCs) August 31, 2022 Practices can order free posters for […]

Workforce survey spring 2022 initial findings

26% of practices across the Londonwide LMCs’ area responded to the latest wave of our six-monthly workforce survey. The responses represent the experience of 292 GP practices responsible for nearly three million of London’s nine million patient population. Three out of five responding practices have vacancies for any role, just under half have one or […]

Trust registration requirements

The Fifth Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) broadens the scope of trusts required to comply with and sign up to the Trust Register Service (TRS). The registration deadline is 1 September 2022. Some GP surgeries may be affected, depending on how they are structured, and Londonwide LMCs is seeking further legal guidance and will update London […]

Lambeth LMC newsletter – August 2022

Dear colleagues, The summer months are slightly quieter in terms of meetings we need to attend, and we have taken advantage of this to have informal, developmental meetings. We have been looking at the way we work as a committee and how this might be improved. In our August meeting we spent some time on […]