Londonwide LMCs December 2024 newsletter
Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
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Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
Get in touch to take part in our website usability testing to help us understand how we can improve it.
We are sharing key points from our response and encourage those working in practices to also make their views known.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Dr Michelle Drage, our CEO, highlights the wider impact of the pathology result delays caused by the ransomware attack on two London trusts.
Join us near Euston to hear about the menu of safe options for GP contract holders to take, plus how to keep your practice team and patients safe.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Dr Michelle Drage, our CEO, calls for more to be done to deter aggression and violence towards practice staff and patients,
Covering: 13 June GPCE roadshow event, QOF achievement survey, 2ww form success, workforce survey opens and more.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Recommendations include: GPs to arrange hepatitis C tests for blood recipients, better records systems interoperability and communication with patients.
The ballot opens on 17 June, come and meet your GPCE and LMC leaders on 13 June near Euston.