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Government notice on impact of ‘no deal’ Brexit on recognition of professional qualifications

One of these notices covered the recognition of professional qualifications, including those of Drs (including GPs) and nurses. At present the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (MRPQ) Directive is a reciprocal arrangement which enables European Economic Area (EEA) nationals to have their professional qualifications recognised in an EEA State other than the one in which […]

Tips of the Month October 2018

We provide weekly tips based on common queries which come through to us from London GPs and practice teams. These are shared via social media and collated for this newsletter.   #TipoftheWeek Clinical governance is a contractual requirement although there is not definition in the contract. You must have a nomination individual in the practice […]

Feedback sought on GP Partnership Review interim findings

The GP Partnership Review is being conducted for the Department of Health and Social Care by Dr Nigel Watson of Wessex LMCs, with the aim of producing a set of recommendations on how to reinvigorate the partnership model. We have previously met with the review team and facilitated visits to London practices, we will be […]

Don’t forget to download BEAM to LMC – Londonwide LMCs’ app

Londonwide LMCs’ mobile application helps hard-pressed GPs and practice teams highlight the pressure they’re under from commissioners and others by allowing them to share those requests in real time.  Beam to LMC is easy to use and can be downloaded from the following links: Apple: Google: Accept the terms and conditions and the privacy notice. […]

Londonwide LMCs’ September 2018 newsletter

September 2018 Newsletter Response to digital-first providers consultation We have responded to NHS England’s consultation on ‘Digital-first primary care and its implications for general practice payments’. READ MORE   ► Response to GP partnership review Read our written response to the GP partnership review. We are also planning a further meeting with the review team. […]

Written response to GP partnership review

We have provided a written response to the GP Partnership Review which is being conducted for the Department of Health and Social Care by Dr Nigel Watson of Wessex LMCs. Our response includes calls to alleviate the pressures on partnerships created by premises ownership, upgrading physical and digital infrastructure, expanding the skill mix of practice […]

Londonwide LMCs’ jobs board

Don’t forget our vacancies section is free to use for London practices. All you need to do is complete and submit the web form and we will do the rest to get your job listing online. Please note that job adverts must be for specific roles which involve providing NHS services. We do not accept […]

Winter pressures – keep us up to date

Last winter saw the whole health and social care system in London operating at full-stretch, with lack of capacity in secondary and social care increasing pressure on GPs. We are keen to learn what steps are being taken locally to mitigate against these issues this winter, and as we progress into winter whether they are […]

LEAD Training Events

This year, our Learning Education and Development (LEAD) team created a new summer-time initiative for GPs and practice teams. Our LEAD Summer School programme ran throughout August and covered a range of topics to help delegates acquire important training during the holiday season. The four half day workshops were designed to deliver important updates and […]