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Londonwide LMCs’ August 2017 newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter Waiting room video – what patients need to do when they are referred to a specialist Our new waiting room video is designed to inform patients what they can expect when they are referred to a specialist or therapist. The video includes information on tests and investigations, prescriptions, the provision of sick […]

Londonwide LMCs’ July 2017 newsletter

July 2017 Newsletter Guidance on CCG plans to make GPs ask patients to pay for over the counter treatments A number of London CCGs are suggesting practices should ask patients to buy their own OTC medicines. We outline the regulatory and contractual issues created by such plans. READ MORE   ► BMA ballot on willingness […]

Londonwide LMCs’ June 2017 newsletter

      June 2017 Newsletter CQC plans changes to inspections The Care Quality Commission has launched an eight-week consultation on proposed changes to practice inspections including bringing in annual written report submissions. READ MORE   ►   Labour’s four new London MPs All four seats which changed hands in boroughs represented by Londonwide LMCs […]

Londonwide LMCs’ May 2017 newsletter

  May 2017 Newsletter National LMC conference motions round-up Last week four London motions were proposed at Conference, three of them were passed and all prompted debate on some important issues. READ MORE   ► IT security update Following the recent cyber-attack on NHS systems we have produced some tips to help secure your systems […]

Londonwide LMCs’ April 2017 newsletter

  April 2017 Newsletter Keeping true to our values while under pressure Dr Michelle Drage looks at the challenges facing London’s GPs and practice teams and the values at the heart of successfully meeting them. READ MORE   ► 2017-19 NHS Standard Contract changes The new Standard Contract contains some more measures intended to reduce […]

Londonwide LMCs’ March 2017 newsletter

  March 2017 Newsletter Unresourced and unfunded work Our workforce survey and feedback from practices show significant demand for work outside of the core contract being put on London’s GP practices. READ MORE   ► Budget summary The Spring Budget provides no extra money for general practice, £2bn was announced for social care, which the […]

February 2017 newsletter

  February 2017 Newsletter Workforce survey Our latest survey of London GP practices found that 30 are considering closure, nearly half have a vacancy and 45% expect a GP to retire in the next three years. READ MORE   ► 2017/18 GP contract agreement Make sure you are up to date with the changes to […]

January 2017 newsletter

January 2017 Newsletter MP engagement – Jeremy Corbyn visit We arranged for Islington MP and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn MP to visit the Andover Road Medical Centre, a practice in his constituency. READ MORE   ► NHS winter crises timeline This winter has seen unprecedented pressure on NHS services, leading to claim and counter-claim about […]

December 2016 newsletter

      December 2016 Newsletter Londonwide LMCs secures new assurance role for GP funding Londonwide LMCs regionally, and LMCs locally, will play a key city-wide role in assurance of GP funds, primary care and the impact of London’s system decisions at local, STP and pan-London levels. READ MORE   ►   Patient engagement survey […]