MWord 118: new 2025/26 GP Contract
Covering the BMA position on Collective Action and safe working, the upcoming Special Conference of LMCs and next steps on the new Contract.
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Covering the BMA position on Collective Action and safe working, the upcoming Special Conference of LMCs and next steps on the new Contract.
Covering: London General Practice Awards winners, NHS England changes, pension deadlines, smart card switch-off and website development.
On 18 February the Labour MP for Clapham and Brixton Hill met Lambeth LMC representatives at Grafton Square Surgery.
Covering: DDRB, safe working, local contracts, public health and interface issues.
Supporting committees of GPs who represent and advocate for local general practice across London. £30k PA, closing: 9am, 11 November 2024.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Covering: local improvement services, health checks, phlebotomy, community diagnostics, shared care, safe working and more.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Change succeeds when those delivering frontline care are included in shaping services and fails when top down approaches are imposed.
North West London LMC update for September, covering areas such as access, Primary Secondary Care Interface and the Darzi review.
This weekly report shares new data and policy information relating to general practice, with selected facts and figures highlighted.
Covering: Darzi report, IPPR health and prosperity commission, collective action, mandatory data extraction, safe working and more.