If you wish to post a vacancy please read the below details of what job listings we do and do not accept first.
As part of our service to our GPs and their practice teams, we provide this free to use jobs section where practices can advertise vacancies or GPs who are seeking employment can advertise their availability.
Details that are added to the site will normally be posted within 24-48 hours if received on a working day. We will contact you to confirm the details before the vacancy advert is published on the website.
We accept job listings that are for roles that are:
- Providing NHS care in one or more of our 27 boroughs.
- Directly employed by a care provider.
- Have a specific job title and employing practice (or other direct provider of NHS care).
- Individuals advertising their services to potential employers.
We do not accept job listings that are for roles that are:
- Providing non-NHS care or care outside of our 27 boroughs.
- Roles that mix NHS and private care, such as online consulting platforms which provide a mix of appointments to both NHS and private patients.
- Employed through an agency or other third-party.
- Are for general asks for unspecified employers, including to join a locum platform.
- Make reference to protected characteristic as defined by equalities legislation without clearly identifying the legal basis for doing so. This applies even if a practice is doing so because they wish to maintain or increase diversity.
For clarity, we do accept:
- Agencies recruiting on behalf of a specific NHS GP practice for a specific role, including for locums.
- Individual practices offering flexibility for a role (IE a single listing which gives options around salaried or locum, varying session amounts, etc).
- Roles with PCNs where listed by the practice(s) who will be acting as the employer.
- Roles with out-of-hours providers, GP federations etc where such organisations are contracted to provide NHS care.
Due to feedback from practices about workforce shortages in London we only accept vacancies for roles based within the 27 London boroughs that we represent. Most LMCs have a jobs board. If you are advertising a role based in another area you may wish to check which LMC covers and see whether they can assist you.
To be fair to all practices we will not approve any more than five adverts per practice to be live on the jobs board at the same time.