Giving notice to stop provision of unfunded services
This template letter sets out that a practice, or group of practices, are giving notice to end provision of certain non-contractual services.
This template letter sets out that a practice, or group of practices, are giving notice to end provision of certain non-contractual services.
Learn how to safely manage workload for the benefit of patients, yourself and your practice team, while working within the requirements of your contract.
Your quick reference guide to useful resources to help manage your workload and avoid unsafe situations for both practitioners and patients.
This poster explains that patients do not need a doctor's letter to support housing applications.
We spoke to GPs about workplace stress and mental health awareness, explain how Londonwide LMCs provides support.
Our draft schedules are designed to provide a template for PCNs to fill out to set out their formal structure in a way that meets the requirements of the PCN DES.
GP locums form a vital part of the GP workforce – it is important that they are made welcome and can work safely at your practice.
Our new video explains that practice teams are still there for patients in person, online and by phone.
Our new video explains how patients and GPs want the same things, but outside pressures get in the way.
Our video explains to patients the best options for getting care, including self-care and pharmacies.
Since 31 October 2023 all practices have been contractually obliged to provide access to prospective entries for all patients.
Our A4 posters are for displaying to patients, providing statistics on increasing appointments being offered by local GPs and the challenges they face with a shrinking workforce.