GP pensions

Your NHS Pension and the changes

  • LEAD event

This event will cover the complicated NHS Pension with questions taken throughout and understanding key areas of planning and potential issues along the way.

Target audience:General practice staff
Time:Start:  13:00                  End:      14:00

(allow 10 minutes before the start of the session for registration and AV equipment check)

Delivery mode:MS Teams
  • £25 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices
  • £40 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas
Overview:We will discuss the following areas:

  • 1995/2008/2015 Sections of the NHS Pension and their peripheral benefits
  • Age Discrimination Case – the impact now and at retirement and the options available
  • Annual Allowance – elements to consider, Remediable Pension Savings Statements and the deadline
  • Lifetime Allowance – abolished but still relevant, particularly regarding lump sum options and the Lifetime Allowance Protection available
  • Partial Retirement/24 Hour Retirement – how, when and why
Aims:Provide an interactive session on the ever more complicated NHS Pension with questions taken throughout.  Allow understanding of key areas of planning and potential issues along the way.
Learning outcomesAn understanding of their NHS Pension, the changes as a result of the Age Discrimination Case, the impact of the Annual and Lifetime Allowances and options around taking some or all of their pension benefits when considering retirement options.
Format:An interactive session over MS Teams with questions taken throughout
Presenter:Paul Gordon, medical specialist financial planner with Atomos.

If you are interested in other training, the full range that can be provided is detailed in this brochure.