LMC elections 2023

More than half our LMCs now have their places filled and more areas had ballot papers emailed out to constituent GPs on Monday 26 June.

If you are unsure if your area is going to ballot please check your inbox to see if you have electronic voting papers emailed to you by Civica Electoral Services via takepart@civica.co.uk. This email may have gone to your junk/spam box, so please check there as well.

GPs in areas going to ballot received reminder emails on 12 July and 18 July if they had not voted by those dates, both reminder emails contain a unique voting link.

Key dates

  • Monday 26 June: voting papers go out in areas where there are more nominated candidates than LMC places.
  • Tuesday 25 July, 12:00pm: voting closes.
  • Monday 31 July: results published.

Message from Dr Michelle Drage, CEO, Londonwide LMCs

“At this time of unprecedented pressure on GPs and practice staff across London the need for a strong professional voice has never been greater. Amid here today and gone tomorrow NHS bodies, LMCs offer stability, continuity and independent expertise across all aspects of general practice – by general practice, for general practice – from engaging with systems across London to supporting individual GPs, and everything in between.

“It is important that your LMC is representative of the whole profession and you’ll see a strong selection of candidates on the ballot if your area is going to ballot. If you are unfamiliar with the election process many of the candidates have provided a statement to help inform your decision, so please vote if you receive the email inviting you to do so.”

Update your details

Remember that we will need your up to date contact details in order for you to vote and make your voice heard. The minimum data we require for each GP who wishes to vote, is the area/borough of London you work in, the name of the practice(s) you are currently working at, your GMC number and a current email address.

If you do not receive regular emails from us, think your details need updating, or you know of any GPs who may not be receiving our updates, whether they are a partner, employed, locum, new entrant or a trainee GP, contact us on brt@lmc.org.uk. For more information on how we handle your data, please see our privacy notice.

If you want to know more please contact lmc-elections@lmc.org.uk and look out for further information in forthcoming newsletters and emails.